Building and construction fasteners


About the building and construction fasteners market

We supply fully integrated packing lines for both standard nails and screws, and extremely long fasteners such as roofing screws. Our lines are reliable, and easy to maintain and operate, with efficient change-overs. We have solutions for the higher throughput required by fastener manufacturers, and the smaller volumes handled by wholesalers. Weighpack also supplies auxiliary equipment for fastener heat treatment lines used in manufacturing operations.

Solutions for building and construction fastener applications

We have options for dealing with products which are difficult to handle, such as long roofing screws which tend to form large clumps which need to be broken up before handling. Weighpack also supplies machines and lines which can process a large product size range and which are easy to change over to other products and packaging. If necessary our equipment can also align the fasteners before packing

Our machines

Fully integrated packing lines
Advanced fastener inspection lines
Auxiliary equipment for heat treatment lines

Building and construction fastener market projects

Over the decades we have become thoroughly familiar with the needs of this market. This experience enables us to design and build both single machines and fully integrated lines for any type of building or construction fastener you can imagine. On the right you can browse through a number of projects we have completed for our customers, to get an idea of the solutions we provide.

DIY products packing line
Long roofing screw untangling and packing unit
Lifting and tipping unit for long fasteners